At Hampden Park Public School, Special Religious Education (SRE) is delivered every Thursday.
Stages participate in SRE on a term by term basis.
Stage 3 - Term 1
Stage 2 - Term 2
Stage 1 - Term 3
Early Stage 1 - Term 4
On enrolment parents/carers will be given the SRE participation letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child’s enrolment in SRE should be given to the front office.
The following SRE classes are offered at Hampden Park Public School:
Islamic SRE is provided by: Islamic Special Religious Education. For more information about Islamic SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the Islamic Special Religious Education website: https://www.isre.org.au/
During the time that SRE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities, including reading and/or an interactive literacy activity.
If parents/carers are seeking other SRE not currently provided, please enquire at the school office as to the availability of a suitable provider.