Hampden Park Public School

Learning Together

Telephone02 9750 4111



The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.


At HPPS, we offer intervention programs to enhance student’s skills across K-6 in numeracy. 

TEN: Targeting Early Numeracy 

The TEN intervention program provides students with explicit teaching and support in learning numeracy in the early years. Students work as a whole class, small group and independent tasks are provided to increase opportunities for students with diverse needs to achieve student’s learning outcomes in numeracy. 

Students focus on: 

·         identifying numbers

·         counting

·         skip counting forwards and backwards

·         addition and subtraction mental strategies.  

They learn to:  

·         Record their mathematical thinking

·         Problem solve

·         Work as a team

Town: Taking Off With Numeracy

  • Taking Off With Numeracy (TOWN) is a whole-class intervention program focusing on improving numeracy skills of students in the upper primary years.

    TOWN aims to provide explicit guidance in designing whole class teaching programs to further develop each student’s numeracy understanding.

    Emphasis is given to the teaching sequence related to developing Place Value, as it underpins the four operations and decimals, as well as important concepts in measurement. Focus is also given to the teaching of Multiplication and Division concepts.
  • For more information click on the link below: 

    Mathematics Syllabus