2019 HPPS P&C Executive Committee

What is a Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association ?
The P&C is described by the department of Education & Training as "a forum in which parents can develop their partnership with the school and articulate their aspirations for their children's education."
The P & C provides you with the opportunity to be informed and contribute to educational matters relating to the school including fundraising, school policies, special projects and more.
The P & C is a group that:
- Brings together parents, citizens, students and teaching staff to promote the best interests of the school
- Assists in providing facilities and equipment through fundraising efforts
- Promotes the recreation and welfare of students
- Encourages parent and community participation in curriculum, educational issues and policy development.
Currenlty P & C meetings are not being held. Please check our Facebook page for future updates.
Fundraising Committee
A very important element of the P&C is fundraising, as whilst the school is allocated money from the government, it is generally allocated to specific learning / maintenance areas. Therefore the school needs supplementary funding in order to provide the children with up to date resources, play equipment and other items not covered by government funding.
A structured Fundraising committee is therefore in the early stages of development and if you have any special skills, resources or ideas we would love to hear from you. Ultimately it is our children who benefit - so why not get involved, have some fun and meet some new people!
P & C Membership
The following people are permitted to be members of the P&C:
- All parents and carers with children at the school, as well as citizens living within the schools boundaries are eligible to be members of the P&C
- Teachers from the school and members of the school staff
- The Principal is an ex officio member - i.e. a member of the P&C by right of their position as a Principal and does not need to pay the membership fee. At general meetings, the Principal still has the right to vote and move motions however at the AGM the Principal does not vote but acts as Returning Officer for the election of the positions that are open.
Everyone is encouraged to attend!
The information above has been adapted with permission from the NSW P&C Federation Website. For more details on the P&C Federation visit www.pandc.org.au
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the P&C at hampdenparkpandc@gmail.com